The Nautilus Way is a writing process that delivers life changing results.  

This simple, four-step process integrates a lifetime of healing tools Marie has been practicing for 25+ years since her early 20s.

Through this daily writing practice you will:

  • Uncover what's been holding you back from achieving / manifesting your goals and dreams.
  • Identify your truth & practice using it to rewire your internal voice (self talk).
  • Set yourself free, one writing at a time, to grow and become who you were meant to be.
  • Develop the mindset needed to resolve relationship conflicts with greater ease, resulting in far less suffering in your life. 
  • Practice journaling as a path to connecting with God (Source / the Universe) so you can receive the guidance you seek. (similar to mindful meditation)
  • Learn to live from your most authentic self and move steadily on the path to
    Create your BEST Life!
Write your way to your BEST Life!

What clients are saying...

 I consider myself a pretty good writer but never put the time into writing to cause breakthroughs in my own life. Since starting Marie’s writing process a couple months ago, I’ve discovered so many blind spots that have inspired me to take action and cause real transformation in my life. I’m forever grateful for the simple process and community to support the habit.

~Nicole B. 


I was very skeptical about joining in on Marie’s writing program. After writing down things that were stirring in my mind, Marie uncovered things that I had never thought of by asking questions, and helping me draw what I needed from myself in different situations. I am glad I decided to take the time to work on myself! I am forever grateful to Marie for changing my perspective on the power of writing in your own words, among so many more benefits and tools I have to grow. Thank you Marie for being so honest, in the most respectful, gentle way.

~Johanna R.

I love the process. It really helps me get back in touch with my truth. The writing before the Zoom calls help me to get ready to dig in. The Zoom calls are great to reiterate that I am not the only one dealing with things!

~Christine H.

Write your way to your BEST Life!